Nav's Goblin Armies - Goblinz Rool!

You’re going to end up with a 20k point army rather than a 2k one at this rate!
What army do you fight them against when you’re playing solo?

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Orcs, Northern Alliance, but i’ve got enough Goblins to play against Goblins too

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Goblins v goblins would be an excellent and highly believable fight

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i could probably play Mantic Goblins vs Non Mantic goblins

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Two Goblin Fire Eagles complete, save touch ups. I’m really loving how they turned out… even though the riders are old raggedy assed models that hade seen better days…, but now have got a touch of TLC



I absolutely love the eagles. You already mentioned that you wanted to use eagles and they are excellent!

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thanks a million @Smoodo. They are wonderful models, fun to paint, reasonably priced for GW models and slip smoothly into my beast riding goblin army

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Oh I love those Nav.

Amazing imagination and execution as always.

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Many thanks Niall.

i’ll convert one of the giant eagles into a Beast of Nature with Flying upgrade, as i doudt i’d use two Winggits that often, although i might have to repaint it black as a giant Raven

Those are really cool and full of character!

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Work started on my latest madcap Goblin Rabble regiment movement tray… sneaking behind enemy lines I’ll probably put a ladder in the middle of the cavern and a turf of grass with a Goblin head poking out of the turf!



The wings on those Eagles are brilliant, will almost be a shame to kill them in game :wink:

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hehe my eagles never die :-p many thanks

Scratch built Goblin Blaster… i still have to paint the herder.

The Chariot is made from two ruied carts from scatter terrain on Battle Systems Fantasy terrain kits, as are the wooden barrels, the boar is from GW Savage Orruk boar riders, the goblin on top a wolf rider, the squigs are Tankbuster squig bombs


i opted for a regiment of spitters underground, and did some more work on the surface, where they are sneaking up on a dwarf sentry


Great going @Nav. Coincidentally I’m making a blaster too and it’s always good to see what other people have done. The bonkers underground dioramas are looking great, be good to see the finished spitters too. Knowing you that’ll be tomorrow!

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