many thanks Kraygor
I always get hung up on what things are on models too and scoure the internet to try and figure it out. I eventually tell myself it’s my ‘fantasy’ model, paint it however you want, you literally can’t be wrong! (Unless you play 40k and apparently space marines can’t be blah blah… haha)
These chaps look great as always Nav.
Are these guys all Mantic and how’s the 2nd regiment with the troll and friends coming on?
Many thanks @HouseElf. These are indeed all Mantic models from the new Luggit troop+ a Vanguard pair, (as seen a few days earlier with the old troll. ) They are chunky enough models when compared to other goblins, with their oversized weapons, so i twisted their bases by about 60 degrees to better use this fact, and found that the Troll or old ratkin were not needed. They may be less than PMC, but the regiment base doesn’t look empty by any means, so i went without the Troll in the end, and glued them on the base using nomorenails, at the angle i tried, then filled in the small gaps with ‘rocks’ (roadside small gravel chunks) then spinkled the flatter parts with ‘flock grass’ (ground spagnum moss) to get the effect of course rocky ground the likes of which you find in the west of Ireland (The Burren).
and don’t get me started on Beakies…
Nav, could you tell me if the Luggits are any larger than the regular goblins from War of the Holds, or are they basically the same size?
That is absolutely fantastic. Looking forward to your next multi base. No pressure!
Many thanks @HouseElf. I’m getting burned out from painting Goblin core units, but still have 20 left to build.
I’ve ordered two giant eagle models to make Winggits with, but they may take a couple of weeks to get here.
I still have 8 mawpups too. I’m thinking about scratch building a Blaster with some of them and some squig bombs in a caged wagon maybe , if I get bored in the meantime
I can imagine you’re getting burnt out with all the painting and modelling. You need a battle or 2 to test them all out in . Or as I’ve read in other threads, you could paint a cart load of other stuff
the struggle to get motivation for the last 20 goblins is real @HouseElf, i cannot lie. i’ve dabbled in Universal Battle a bit, but it isnt the same, as my models are still collecting dust.
Yesterday, i took some time off and touched up some of my Northern Alliance heroes and my Norse Bloodbowl team, which still needs more work. i’ve also got started planning on construction of my bases for the Eagle Winggit bases … a busy mind is far healthier than a bored one
bases done
i did also do 5 more pirate Luggits for the ship and 5 more spitters for the spider web base.
I’ve not played on UB, luckily my wife is happy to play, so all my painting gets rewarded with real battles.
Sadly we played today and again my League of Rhordia heroes were robbed by her cheating goblins!
I also agree, you definitely need to take time off painting units, or it just starts to be a chore, and you don’t want that in a hobby
@HouseElf I try to get a game in by myself, to see armies on the board and put finished to a unit, and see how they work out in the field as it were, but without anyone to compete against, i’m only playing against my own cunning and the fate of the dice gods, so UB helps to put it into context.
I’d be routing for the cheating goblins… sorry bud!
The first of my two Goblin Winggits on Fire Eagles done . (Although getting decent light to get pictures is challenging). I wanted something with a hint of phoenix given that the Winggits are fire bombers
Those eagles look great Nav! I love the feathertips, really makes the scheme stand out without being garish.
Many thanks @Findol, i was aiming for something pheonixy but not too much so… like a golden eagle or a sea eagle, but with fire coloured plumage .
Freshly coated in a final finishing sheen of homemade wash/floor polish mix to give the feathers more sheen, although it’ll be a softer sheen once its dry… Goblin equipped with grenades and a far-seeing device for Eye in the Sky .
They look really good. It’s probably for the best that mantic didn’t have any winggits in stock after all!
Many thanks @HouseElf , I’m very happy with it, and confident that i can duplicate it…in a similar fashion, for the second Winggit, and the animal theme suits my own Woodland based Goblin army very nicely, so i certainly won’t be weeping over the loss of a Mantic model, even though the Mantic version looks cool. I only play locally, (if that ever comes back into fashion) so won’t have any issues with fielding a non Mantic model in my games,
Of course, the problem is… to date, i only have 1 boulder lobba, (big rock thrower), and two Mawpup launchers, so i might have to invest in more artillery peices… booohooo!